June 2024 Saturday class

Thank you for joining the A level Physics Saturday group class for June 2024. We will introduce year 13 core topic, Further Mechanics and develop practical skills.

Topic: Force, momentum and impulse (1 session), Circular motion (2 sessions) and Practical skills (1 session).

Session dates:

8th June 2024 (10.00-11.30)
15th June 2024 (10.00-11.30)
22nd June 2024 (10.00-11.30)
29th June 2024 (10.00-11.30)

Zoom links for the sessions will be sent by email the day before the sessions.

A link to the course materials will also be sent by email.

Please note, refunds cannot be given for non-attendance, so please make every effort to attend!
If a student misses a session, they will have access to the materials from that session.
I look forward to welcoming you (or your son/daughter) to the first session on June 8th at 10.00!

Feel free to ask if you have any questions (email address below).

Best wishes,

Tim Clark

Physics tutor
Email: timclark810@gmail.com